The Era of Exploration Is Here


Published by Ben Worrall 24th August 2024

The Era of Exploration Is Here

The reality in which we exist is an infinite jungle ripe for exploration. Beyond each clearing is uninvestigated terrain containing wonders and horrors that wait to be uncovered by the bravest and most curious of explorers. I want you to join me in becoming one of these explorers.

Those in my generation were born just as the doors of discovery were flung open. We’ve suddenly found ourselves with the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips. And with the current developments in artificial intelligence, the accessibility of on-demand curated information is only going to increase.

The past decade of my life has been defined by an exploration of ideas. I have sought out esoteric sources that have ended up transforming my worldview in ways I would have never thought possible. This is due to a long-term commitment to following my compass of curiosity.

I want to shine a light on the potential and pitfalls of this new era of exploration and provide you with the tools and motivation you need to navigate this mysterious jungle alongside me.

Qualities of the Explorer

There are very few active explorers out there. I believe, however, that deep within all of us, the qualities of the explorer lay dormant. For some of us, these intrinsic tendencies have been muted by our cultural upbringing. For others, they are just the tiniest of sparks that need to be ignited and discovered.

The list of qualities I have compiled below represents the mindset of the successful explorer. One who not only follows their inner tendencies but is wise enough to approach unknown areas of the jungle with restrained respect.


The explorer is a rare breed for many reasons, but their most distinct of qualities is an unwillingness to accept any limits to their possible understanding. They realise that the jungle is a vast place — much bigger than the boundaries of the concentrated area they were born into.

This knowledge produces in them an unquenchable thirst for truth. Their curiosity is not simply a passing breeze, but a fever that sends them out into the depths of the jungle during the darkest hours of the night. Under the dim glow of the moonlight, they meditate on the strange sounds they hear echoing from the blackness beyond — squelch, eeek, squark.“What could they be? What is their purpose?” the explorer ponders.

Attempting to fit these distinct aspects of reality into their current view of the world. But no sense can be made of them, and so, the explorer returns to the comfort of their bed where they dream of the day they finally understand the mysteries of the jungle.


As children, we were naturally open-minded. As we roamed around our settlement and interacted with nature, we began to notice patterns in the environment from which certain principles could be formed. Over time, these principles became core to our understanding of the jungle and how it worked.

Unfortunately, for most of us, these principles began to restrict how willing we were to open our minds to other possibilities. Even if we possessed some curiosity about unknown areas of the jungle, we assumed that they would be the same as what we already knew. After all, what else could there be?

The successful explorer can hold what they already believe to be true in a temporary vacuum while avoiding self-imposed limitations that shut down all possibilities for exploration and discovery. They realise that they don’t know what they don’t know, and this insight outweighs all other principles they have assigned to the workings of the jungle.


The jungle is a dangerous place. One wrong step and you find yourself face down in a snake-infested undergrowth or being carried away by fierce river rapids.

The presence of this danger makes the wise explorer cautious, and for good reason, going too far, too quickly, can lead to unintended consequences. You could become lost or enter the territory of an unfriendly tribe. This is why you should be selective in your adventures. Start small and venture out only so far before returning home to review your stories and insights.

On the other hand, the over-cautious explorer will never leave his settlement. He will stare at the same trees for the rest of his life, never knowing anything that might have existed beyond them.


We’re bound to encounter challenges in our explorations. Problems that appear insurmountable.

The successful explorer realises that alongside endless overgrown paths, the jungle also offers an infinite supply of solutions that can be used to hack through them. It’s up to the explorer, however, to use their human creativity to seek out these solutions.

One of the greatest advantages of roaming further into the jungle is the discovery of these new creative solutions and the personal growth that comes with the process of finding them. Upon returning from the jungle these solutions can be utilized in daily life and shared with others.

The explorer who manages to develop these qualities in themselves will be successful in their pursuit of greater understanding. As more of the jungle is explored new connections are made that repeatedly enhance their notion of truth.

Exploration in the Modern World

The modern world offers enhanced possibilities for exploration in the form of global connectivity, access to diverse information, advanced technology, and greater individual freedoms, but it also brings new issues that have come to dominate the structure of our lives.

The Upside

The modern person with internet access can learn about near enough anything they want free of charge. There’s so much high-quality information out there on the internet, including books and other resources that would have been very difficult to access only a couple of decades ago. This opens up the exploration process to anyone who has enough curiosity and motivation to learn more about the world.

Almost everything I write about in my stories has been self-taught using this exploration process. All I do is seek out various sources of wisdom from different cultures, traditions, time periods, and disciplines. Then, I will contrast and compare, make connections, and add my own insights into the mix.

With the new AI tools available this has become even easier. I can discuss various ideas with a language model and ask it to provide me with more information or recommend further resources that connect to it. This dramatically speeds up the process of developing a big-picture overview in any area.

Most of us also live under systems of government that allow the free exploration of new ideas as a birthright. We tend to take this for granted, but much of human history didn’t provide the same freedom of personal exploration for the average citizen. Those of us in first-world countries are also relatively safe, have some free time, and are not fighting for survival.

And so, why are we not jumping out of bed in the morning? Why aren’t you excited about taking advantage of these precious freedoms? Why do we consume the same flavour of information on repeat, rather than dive into complexities and nuances that define world history, science, culture, and personal development?

The Downside

We live in a time characterized by overabundance and confusion. The would-be explorer is sidetracked from his mission by an outstretched sea of possibilities and distractions.

The individual is encouraged to play it safe, take it easy, and enjoy the pleasures of life that are being handed out to them by the collective corporate machine.

The torrent of addictive slop is one thing. What makes it worse is that mainstream culture doesn’t only encourage participation in the circus, but fails to acknowledge there’s any other option. The general narrative is to trust in readily provided answers and let the system take care of you, when in fact, now is the best time in history to do the exact opposite.

So what does this mean for you?

Make a conscious choice to become an explorer of life — it’s worth it. But understand that doing so is going to distance you from modern culture and many of your fellow beings, who don’t even realise there’s a jungle to be explored.

There’s Nothing But Jungle

Infinite Jungle

You’ve found yourself as a human being in a strange world, with an unknown origin, and you don’t understand how any of it works or why it even exists in the first place.

Under these starting conditions, it seems like a natural assumption to consider exploration of the mysteries of the world as the prime objective.

And yet, we have been convinced that life is not about exploration. What can only be described as mass hypnosis has turned the modern human being into a machine motivated by mindless productivity, consumerism, and the pursuit of fitting into cultural narratives.

Yes, the world is a scary place, with real dangers lurking around every corner. We need to balance our pursuits to keep ourselves alive and healthy. But if we completely remove our sense of purpose from the original awe-inspiring mystery we were born into, then what are we doing here besides playing mind games on repeat?

The big questions of life are waiting to be explored. Answers are waiting to be discovered. You can start right now. But will you be one of the few to venture out into the jungle and begin chopping away in the pursuit of revelations? Will you let your curiosity guide you? Or will the waves of life sweep you away to the end of time?

Ben Worrall

Ben Worrall

Who is Ben Worrall?

I'm a philosophical writer and teacher from the UK. My focus is sharing insights on human development through educational content and captivating storytelling.

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